
Kathrin (February - March 2017)
Testimonial - Kathrin - March 2017
Testimonial – Kathrin

Dear Vishal and Rajeev,

the last 31 days have been amazing!

Unfortunately, one of my friends had a serious accident and therefore I had to leave erlier.
Otherwise I would have stayed longer.

Thank you so much for answering all my quesions about the culture, religions, etc.

The food was always delicious and I enjoyed it every night. Hopefully when I come back we have enough time for the cooking-course πŸ™‚

I really enjoyed the family-atmosphere in your hostel.

Also a warmly thank you to Pabitra and Prabin for their lively help in the hostel.

Now my taxi is coming πŸ™‚

See you and best regards

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